Tuesday, October 25, 2005

The Price of Happiness

One roll of papertowels shreaded while I was at work:  $1.38

Four pairs of shoes chewed up:  $250.00 (rough estimate)

Two bottles of "Natures Miracle" miracle solvent:  $20.00

Toys that were supposed to be chewed instead of the shoes:  $80.00

Gas to travel back and forth from work extra times:  $60.00

Orchid chewed up because spanish moss is FUN!:  $ unknown as it was a housewarming gift (sorry Aunt Liz!!)

One X-Pen to barricade the kitchen:  $80.00 (returned as it didn't work, he's determined to sit in the window to look out)

Home Depot project of plywood, felt stickies, foam tape, and cinder blocks to replace the X-Pen:  $40.00

Absolute glee when I come in the door, a cold nose, and a fuzzy body:  Priceless

(I won't even begin to account for my Petco bill, adoption rescue fee, or food)