Friday, September 29, 2006

Hoosier Houndini

It seems the escape artist is making his comeback.  After the wedding, honeymoon, and really really long drive to Indy while reading the Dog Whisperer's book, Caesar's Way, Edgar is up to his ways again.

I introduced him to his "den," aka the kitchen, upon arrival making sure that I was the alpha leading him into the house.  We then set up barricades with wedding gift boxes and barstools to let him settle in.  That night we left him only once to take my Mom to her hotel and when we came back all was well in Hoosierville.  He cried when we left him in his den for bedtime, but that ended shortly as well. 

Yesterday, feeling very encouraged, I left again for about 30 minutes.  I set up the barricade just like the night before.  When I came home, Edgar greeted me at the door, chewed up CD case all over the living room floor.  Houndini was back!  This was even after his two walks (to help his migrating instinct and tire him out) as well as a rousing game of fetch which ended when he was too hot and laid down on top of the ball.  So much for Caesar.

Houndini made his first appearance when I lived back in SLC.  I would leave him for work barricaded in the kitchen.  First I used a very expensive x-pen (aka movable metal fences/playpen for dogs.)  He figured out how to use his paw to either push or pull them so he could get out.  He was always sitting in the window sill when I came home.  So then I used chairs to reinforce the x-pen.  Again, Edgar used his clever wits to pull the chairs then the x-pen and voila!  The x-pen went back to Petco.

I resorted to Home Depot.  Plywood, foam insulation tape to protect the floor, and cinder blocks.  Ah ha!  He was foiled!  Until....  one day I came home and thought it smelled so nice!  It smelled just like the lemongrass vacuum beads from Restoration Hardware I had used to clean two days ago, but surely that scent couldn't have been that strong, I thought to myself.  When I opened the back door I found a very proud canine.  He had somehow figured out how to jump on the kitchen counters, tear open the vacuum beads bag, knock over the sugar bowl, eat all of my garden produce and spit it out, chew up the sponge, knock over the knives, dig up the potted geranium in my window sill, eat my check register, and knock over my cookbooks.  (See photos.)

Now I knew I couldn't yell at him as I've read dogs live in the moment and will not corrleate punishment with deeds unless you do it right in the act.  For instance, grounding a dog or withholding dog park priveledges will not work.  But oh, I was mad and he was just happy to see me. 

When J proposed to me in January, he knew Edgar was part of the package and he loved him too.  However, I worried how he would handle his alter-ego, Houndini!  Last night we left again and J constructed the barricade.  It was now a battle of wits between him and the dog.  But when we came home, Houndini rested in the kitchen without tearing the house apart.  Perhaps Monday when I go to work won't be too bad, or perhaps I'm deluding myself.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Shotgun Confirmation

The last two weeks leading to the wedding have got to be hell on earth.  Last week I finally pulled together all of my necessary documentation for the Catholic Church in order to my fiance and I to actually marry.  Baptism records, pre cana weekend certificates, affidavits of faith, and a natural family planning class certificate.  I thought we had everything in.  On Thursday the parish secretary tells me we have a problem.
"I don't have your confirmation record."
"Yes, I'm not confirmed."
"But you are Catholic?"
"But you are not confirmed."
"Yup, we have a problem."

When Father Stan and I began this process months ago he said getting babtized in the Escipopalian church wouldn't be an issue eventhough I had my first holy communion and confession at St. Ambrose.  I beleived him.  But now I wasn't so certain and I called him.
His response was perfect type B Father Stan:  "Stupid beroucrats..  I fix.  I call you back,  We do Procalmation of Faith"

I called the church back and the secretary said that somehow the fathers talked and all is ok.  Just some small paperwork needs to get done.  Be here on Tuesday with a sponsor.  I interjected that I was bringing my first holy communion certificate and that is when she stopped and said, "Oh no, honey, you are getting confirmed."

I talked to Father Stan about that time and he said we would just do proclaimation of faith, no big deal and be done.  As I recall, several younger generations must take classes months before Easter and then be with their sponsor in order for it to go through.  No week classes for me

Nope.  For me.  I'm showing up with my Dad to Our Lady of Lourdes tomorrow at 10:00 AM  I can't believe Dad agreed to be my sponsor.  Neither of us knows where to find the Nicean Creed.  There is only one response that is appopriate to this. "Lord, hear our prayer.". 

Wednesday, September 6, 2006


This past weekend, I spent an incredible 48 hours with my best friend.  She is also my maid/matron of honor.  It was our version of a bachelorette party.  Just us, some wine, great restaurants, a pool, and of course, a spa. 

There are things that girlfriends do that your spouse or significant other just can't.  Weekends away truly lets you indulge in these and it simply fills your soul.

1)  Girls can gab with the lights out until one of them falls asleep.  Guys typically fall asleep quite fast and don't want to hear about the latest gossip or process the fall out you had at work/home/etc.

2)  Girls can be caddy.  At one point in time we began giving nicknames to those we saw around us.  "Lashes" was the older woman with huge fake eyelashes, cowboy boots, and some sheer animal print blouse.  We commented about the lovely turquoise couple who had matching shorts/tee shirt/hat ensemble.  And truly who could forget the 10 year old in kitten heels and a tank top to show off her training bra?  (We criticized the parent on that one.)

3)  You can reminisce about past boyfriends and mistakes you made without having someone feel threatened.

4)  Its perfectly acceptable for matching nail polish.

5)  Attempting to tie cherry stems into a knot with your tongue is ok (even if you can't do it anymore and your last successful attempt was in 1995.)

6)  PJ's, sleeping in separate beds, eating chocolate cake and watching chick flicks is a nightly occurrence.

7)  You have someone to giggle with about how strange an herbal wrap is and if Helga or Tatiana were better suited for the massage profession.

8)  You can appreciate the beauty of the mountains of Snowbird and not have to conquer them with a hellacious hike or bike ride up to the top, but just sit by the pool.

Perhaps if I were younger I would have enjoyed more of the bar scene with a pretend veil covered with obscene objects and wait for guys to buy me shots.  This was something more my speed, and something I hope will become an annual tradition.