Monday, September 11, 2006

Shotgun Confirmation

The last two weeks leading to the wedding have got to be hell on earth.  Last week I finally pulled together all of my necessary documentation for the Catholic Church in order to my fiance and I to actually marry.  Baptism records, pre cana weekend certificates, affidavits of faith, and a natural family planning class certificate.  I thought we had everything in.  On Thursday the parish secretary tells me we have a problem.
"I don't have your confirmation record."
"Yes, I'm not confirmed."
"But you are Catholic?"
"But you are not confirmed."
"Yup, we have a problem."

When Father Stan and I began this process months ago he said getting babtized in the Escipopalian church wouldn't be an issue eventhough I had my first holy communion and confession at St. Ambrose.  I beleived him.  But now I wasn't so certain and I called him.
His response was perfect type B Father Stan:  "Stupid beroucrats..  I fix.  I call you back,  We do Procalmation of Faith"

I called the church back and the secretary said that somehow the fathers talked and all is ok.  Just some small paperwork needs to get done.  Be here on Tuesday with a sponsor.  I interjected that I was bringing my first holy communion certificate and that is when she stopped and said, "Oh no, honey, you are getting confirmed."

I talked to Father Stan about that time and he said we would just do proclaimation of faith, no big deal and be done.  As I recall, several younger generations must take classes months before Easter and then be with their sponsor in order for it to go through.  No week classes for me

Nope.  For me.  I'm showing up with my Dad to Our Lady of Lourdes tomorrow at 10:00 AM  I can't believe Dad agreed to be my sponsor.  Neither of us knows where to find the Nicean Creed.  There is only one response that is appopriate to this. "Lord, hear our prayer.". 

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