Sunday, May 15, 2005

Ms. Home Depot Wannabe

I’m one of those people who become mesmerized the minute I walk into a Home Depot.  It is a store brimming with possibilities.  The smell of the lumber and tantalizing orange aprons just sets me spinning.  Before you know it I have some Cajun accent in my head from The Water Boy, “You can do it!”  I think I’m delusional.


The only section in the store that I feel remotely comfortable in is the Lawn and Garden department.  I know my perennials from my annuals.  I can weed with the best of them.  Anywhere out of this comfort zone and I’m one vulnerable chicka. 


Perhaps it was the masochist in me today, but I decided I was feeling well enough physically to completely devastate my self-esteem by thinking I could do a home project.  Actually I took on two.  I got my evaporative cooler ready for the summer and I decided to build a screen for one of my windows. 


The aspen cooling pads were a mere $2.67 x 3…match that with the new ladder I bought and that took the project up to $50.00.  Ok, so then I decide window screens can’t be that tough.  I needed to make a screen 36 x 36 (or at least this is what my father measured the night before.)  I bought the kit, the hack saw, fiberglass mesh, and some rolling tool thingy.  I had no idea what a hacksaw was until today.  This project was now up to about $60.00.  I figured, no time like the present so I bought aweed whacker as well.  Home Depot is not a cheap place to go. 


I got home and went straight to work.  I pulled down the old panels of my cooler looking like a pro.  There were big fat wires holding the old pads in place.  How do I get the pads out?  I was only five minutes into my new project (on my front lawn by the way looking ever so classy) when I had to break down and call Dad.  He was of no help.  I almost called my Uncle Dave (who is Mr. Handyman and currently is my hero), but I decided, no I was smart enough to figure this out!  I went back inside and read my Home Depot: 1, 2, 3  book.


While biding my time, I cleaned the swamp cooler on the new ladder I now had.  I hooked up the water from the basement and then went back out to look at the panels on my front lawn.  Yup, they weren’t fixing themselves. 


Ok, new tactic!  We’ll build the screen!  I went in, re-measured the space, and used my hacksaw to cut the metal frame.  I fit it all together and was feeling mighty good about myself even when I put the screen into the frame.  Then I go into my garage to put my trusty new tool away. 


I need to pause here to remind everyone that I am a new homeowner.  I still am learning things as it has only been 10 months.  That is my disclaimer.  So, I went into my garage and what do I find?  Oh, the original screen for the window.  Never saw it.

I took both to the window and again climbed up my ladder.  The new one I fashioned doesn’t exactly fit.  Well, the old one doesn’t exactly fit.  The house has settled a bit since construction in 1912.  I went with the old screen and put the one I built back into the garage. 


In the meantime, Mom showed up with chips, salsa, and beer.  (Go Mom!)  She looked at the panels on the front lawn and began to yank on the wire.  It popped out!  Why I didn’t think to do that…ok, well I did, but I was too much of a wuss and began to catastrophize things like I would poke an eye out.  When it was all said and done, both projects were done…just in time for the cooler weather and rain forecasted tomorrow.

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