Tuesday, December 27, 2005

19th Hole and 20 Questions

Today my family attended a funeral.  A family friend of ours lost a battle with cancer.  My brother and I grew up with the kids while our parents bonded over tales of swim team at the 19th hole.  Ross was an incredible guy so it wasn't surprising when we showed up to the viewing and the line stretched out rooms and down hallways.  There we stood trying to identify people our family knew from decades past.  Most of these individuals were my parents' age and didn't recognize my brother or I in our adulthood.  In our boredom of waiting to pay our condolences, my mother and I began to identify the bad face lifts and my brother began a game of 20 questions.  In grief, you look for distractions or humor or both.  One of our funniest moments is when a family friend stopped my brother to ask who the "lovely lady" was with him.  As he turned shades of crimson, my brother flatly remarked, "my sister."  Ooh, yeah, what a great date idea!  A viewing!

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