Friday, December 23, 2005

The Perfect Gift

Have you ever found the perfect gift for someone?  You know, the experience where you cannot wait to give them the gift?  You start dancing around like you need to pee as they are attempting to untie the ribbon and you are thinking, "Just cut the damn thing because you are taking too long!"  I found that gift.

One of my dearest friends has a passion for single malt scotch and women who drive stick shifts (how he and his wife now have automatics in their garage is beyond me.)  Every quarter or so he dresses up in his kilt, shows educational videos on the different regions of Scotland, and cons our graphic designer from work to be the pourer for a high end Scotch for a fun fun tasting among friends. 

When I first found the dessert plates with different old (perhaps made up) labels of Scotch on the faces, I knew I found THE gift.  However, the pragmatic side of me left them at the store somehow convinced that I could find an equally wonderful gift without breaking the bank. 

This is when my logic side is damned because I wandered the city for the next few weeks finding nothing that would compare and kept dwelling on why I didn't follow my gut in the first place and buy the plates to begin with!!!  I went back and got the plates.

When he opened them this week I was estatic.  He loved them.  He had never seen them.  He had them on display in his office (not really acceptable in Mormon Utah to have ceramics tooting the wonderfulness of liquor in the office).  However, he could get away with it as he is the chaplain who is known for his off colored remarks and jovial passion about spirits made from peet.

The next day he came in letting me know that he thought the plates were too special to serve any food off of them.  He was going to make a shelf and have them on display.  I assumed this was at his house near his Scotch shrine, however I wouldn't be surprised if I found the plates between the life sized print of Rembrant's "Prodigal Son," and the photo of him with the Dali Lama in his office.

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