I hate Valentine's Day. Really, I have yet to find someone who LOVES it. When I was younger, it was without fail that the night before I would complete my shoebox valentines depot for class and then wake up with the stomach flu. My brother would then lug this Buster Brown's box now covered in red construction paper and pink hearts to carpool then off to my class. This lonely box would gather store bought valentines with either Superman or Garfield on them and if I were lucky, a few candy hearts in the bottom of the envelope. I remember looking for THE valentine. You know, the one from the crush in school. The guy who wouldn't talk to you. I would read into his candy hearts. Did he really think I was "neat?" Did he really think I was a "Q-T?" Fact of the matter is, he was probably more interested in Kim or Merilee. Ok, truly, let's be honest. He probably loved the Broncos more than some stupid girl.
As I've gotten older I equate New Years with Valentines Day. Its the same stupid relationship pressure only a few weeks later. The same questions exist. Who do you kiss? Who will choose you? And the most important question: will you want who chooses you?
The only thing I can count on is my Dad on Feb 14th. My family is not very big on holidays. However, every Valentines Day I can always count on a small heart shaped box of chocolates from the grocery store from my Dad. I find it really sweet.
One year I actually braced myself for a blind date. It was with a resident at the hospital. We went to a play and then to sushi. He was very nice but the pressure of that stupid holiday ruined things. I have to give it to him. He was even quite suave with chocolates from a Utah institution, Cummings Chocolates, and flowers from Bloomingsales. Nice touch!
There was another year in my sorority days when four of us rented a room for the sole purpose of having a place to hang out and drink. We went to dinner and then back for some cocktails and swimming. I think that night, if memory serves, the guy told me he loved me for the first time (I was thrilled with this news at the time). He was also the stupid guy who thinks that all a woman wants is a Victoria's Secret box.
Good point to stop and give advice. Men: Do NOT give your lady a gift from V.S. on a holiday to celebrate her. Really, it is a gift to YOU. That's like us giving you a gift of us having a manicure/pedicure. Please, do you think we are that stupid?
My very best Valentines day was two years ago. I was stranded in Baltimore with the storm of the century. It began with breakfast in bed at the hotel I was staying at for a conference. I then got a package from my boyfriend. Very romantic card, tea, a cd and candy. I wasn't expecting anything as we had only been dating a short time so I was giddy beyond belief. I couldn't believe he tracked me down! The best part of the holiday was dinner. Imagine four professional ladies at dinner on the waterfront surrounded by couples. We were all sans beaus as we were at a conference. We chatted over our heart-shaped ravioli and listed our top 3 times in our lives. We each got a rose at the end of the night. It was the best unplanned Valentines I've ever had.
I'm not certain what this year will hold, but it won't be anything spectacular. My boyfriend is more than likely on call that night...2,000 miles away, might I add. Nope, I'm not having anything more planned than me, a good book, and a grocery bought box of chocolates.
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