On Saturday I went to a baby shower for my cousin who is married to a guy from Columbia but they now live in Toyko. (Did everyone get that?) My aunt hosted it and I got to see relatives that only come out for big family events like showers or funerals...this was a much happier time.
The shower was lovely. I usually hate showers. You typically do not know a lot of people, there is a lot of polite conversation over finger food, and you generally feel rather self-conscious about the wrapping of your gift.
Not with this shower. Everyone was meshing well and the conversation turned to blogs. Does everyone know "lucy's spleen?" Did you know that readers are sending money to "suburban bliss" to go to a bloggers conference? What about the protest of "dooce" and her elimination of comments?
And then I had a funny experience. One of the women in the room turned to me and said, "Wait a minute, don't you have a blog?"
I began to feel the blood drain out of my face as I quickly mentally scanned the content of my entries and felt flattered all at the same time. This woman knew me before she knew me!
She said it was funny that on her blog (a la inspiration of my cousin, same as my story) she had a quiz of how well people knew her. Turns out her readers scored higher than her own family or boyfriend. (As soon as I get her site, I will link it to mine.)
Every once in awhile I scroll down to see how many readers have checked out my entries. It always amazes me. I guess I just want to thank my readers. Thanks for being interested, sending comments/emails, and coming back. :-)
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