Monday, January 31, 2005

Coping: Java with Prada

Quick update:  G'ma is still hanging in there.  The Priest came by Saturday night and truly it was a magical experience.  Although she apparently woke up Sunday morning and was angry because it didn't work.  Another funny thing happened when my aunts decided that my Grandfather needed to say goodbye.  You have to understand that my family is not very emotional.  I have never heard my grandparents tell each other they love one another.  So when G'ma said those three words, "I love you," my Grandfather responded with a, "Well, good luck." 

That still makes me laugh.  Really, you need to have a sense of humor to make it through this.

Another coping mechanism I'm employing is shopping.  I've discovered EBay.  Currently I'm leading on a cranberry slipcover for my couch.  (I think I'll lose, but it would be really nice to win.)  EBay is pretty amazing (and its a Utah company).  You have the thrill of competition and you really have to decide how much you want an item.

On Saturday I went shopping with one of my best friends.  The idea was to find designer clothes in second-hand stores.  We thought it would be ideal to combine it with coffee thus the outing was immediately dubbed:  Java with Prada.  We found nothing in the stores and wound up in Anthropologie.  I love this store.  I found a gorgeous pair of slacks and a sweater on sale.  However, buyers remorse caught up and I put it back.  (If my financial advisor is reading this I'm certain he is doing a small round of applause.)

My Mom just called.  G'ma died about 4 minutes ago. 


Anonymous said...

You are correct my dear, your financial advisor is proud that you resisted the temptation.  It is difficult to resist when you are combining java and Prada.  Keep up the good work.

Financial Advisor

Anonymous said...

Hi Ali,

Grandpa again saw Grandma on Sunday when Judy & I brought him by. He did a much better job of saying goodbye to Grandma this time. It was very touching with lots of hugs and kisses. You have to cut your grandpa a little slack, I think. With his ever worsening memory problems, he often has a hard time finding even the simplest words, particularly in a death bed situation.

BTW this is a great blog. Excellent read.


Uncle Jim